Debt Settlement is All We Do

Debt Settlement

Customized For You

Your Guide to Becoming Debt Free.

Need Debt Relief Now?

You’ve Spent Enough Time Feeling Spent.

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You’ve SPENT enough.

Debt Settlement - Debt Settlement Lawyer

We Lower Your Debt

SPENT Law Group was created to help consumers like you. We are a family-owned firm of experienced debt settlement attorneys dedicated to defending individuals against all types of debt collection lawsuits, judgments, and creditors.

Whether you are facing a creditor lawsuit or need debt relief, you need the aggressive representation SPENT Law Group provides.

We understand your financial challenges. That’s why we offer you a lower fee than other law firms. No matter the reason for your situation, we come up with a debt relief plan that helps you feel less…spent.

Our Low-Fee Guarantee for your Debt Settlement Plan

At SPENT Law Group, we understand that when it comes to debt, you’ve SPENT enough. You shouldn’t have to spend even more to get out of it.

That’s why we offer the lowest fees on the market and we don’t get paid until you save.

As a family-owned firm, we are passionate about helping individuals and families reduce their debt burden and start fresh. That’s why we won’t charge you anything until we settle your debts. Once your debt is settled, our fee is 18%, compared to the industry standard of 25% or more charged by other firms. We operate on a client-first approach so we’re here to make sure that the only thing our clients have to spend their time and energy on is living life to the fullest. So why not spend a little time with us and see how we can help you lower your debt?

What if I am Getting Sued by a Credit Card Company?

We Offer Debt Collection Lawsuit Defense

If you are being sued by a creditor, you have to act quickly. If you ignore any legal papers that are sent to you by a credit card company or a bank, the court may issue a default judgment, meaning that you are legally responsible to pay the debt to your creditor. If you ignore the paperwork, your creditor can go after your bank accounts, garnish your wages, or place a lien on your property.

SPENT Law Group will defend you against your creditors. Our experienced debt defense attorneys will respond to the collection lawsuit and contact your creditors to settle your debts for less than what you owe. There are state and federal laws that protect you from aggressive debt collectors. If your rights have been violated, we will fight for you in court. We will work with you to explore all of your options so that you can make the best decisions to reach financial freedom.

The SPENT Debt Relief Program

Step One: Enroll in our Program

Call us at (855) 332-8457 or fill out our form to speak with a debt specialist for a free consultation. With your approval, your debt specialist will review your finances and credit history to make sure you are eligible for the SPENT Debt Relief Program. Once you qualify for the program, we will complete your enrollment. As part of your enrollment, you will immediately stop paying your creditors.

Step Two: Build Your Savings

You and your debt specialist will design a monthly payment plan that fits within your budget. Your monthly payments will be deposited from your bank account into an FDIC insured savings account. This is your account and will be opened in your name during enrollment meaning you have complete control of your funds at all times.

Step Three: Credit Communications

Now that you are enrolled in the SPENT Debt Relief Program, our legal team will reach out to your creditors one by one asking them to immediately stop contacting you. Moving forward, we’ll notify the creditors that all future communications will be handled by SPENT Law Group.

Step Four: Debt Reduction

Once you have saved sufficient funds in your trust account, we will begin negotiations with your creditors to reduce your balances. We will notify you every time a settlement agreement is reached. There is no guarantee for how much your debt will be reduced, but we typically see reductions of 40-60% of the original debt amount.

Step Five: Graduation

Once you approve an offer from your creditor, SPENT Law Group will transfer funds from your trust account to your creditors to satisfy the debt. We will continue to do so until all of your enrolled debt has been reduced and paid off. And then….you graduate!

SPENT Law Group has helped clients reduce their debt with numerous creditors, including:

Contact Our Experienced Consumer Protection and Debt Settlement Lawyers

At SPENT Law Group, we are dedicated to protecting consumers from creditors and debt collectors. We work with your creditors to reach a debt settlement agreement because creditors would prefer to be paid back some payment rather than nothing at all. If you are facing an overwhelming amount of debt, or a creditor lawsuit, we will help you fight back.

If you answered yes, contact us for debt relief now.

Call us or complete the form below to schedule your free consultation

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